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Why did Dr Ambedkar converted to Buddhism? -Raghothama Hoba

Yesterday, someone asked me why did Dr.Ambedkar converted to "Buddhism",  But next series of questions he forget to ask me is “Why untouchability is still practiced against some caste in society? Why some caste people were kept away from temples? Why some caste and people belonging to those caste were being denied opportunities in every field of life such as business, trade, commerce, private companies, hotels, markets etc,. Why some caste people were meant to do menial jobs, scavenging and other things? To continue, why some caste people still being denied or avoided to get higher education? Why some caste people are unnecessarily tortured in working areas whether it is government or private.

Answer to all this is untouchability. Let we call those people who are being subjected to untouchability as untouchables or Dalits or scheduled caste people. Now one has to think himself, what could happen if someone kept away from temples or made to stand outside the temple? Won’t it hurt such peoples self esteem? Won’t it be a blow to their self respect? Then where such people has to go? In such a pathetic condition do other people still expect them to stand outside and tolerate the torture or situation as it is? No. And if someone wants it to be “Yes” it would be nothing but an example of cruelty of mankind over another. Would amount to nothing but the denial of basic human rights to that man or to the society.

If so, then such a man or such a group of people do they wish to remain in that society? No, not even a second they wish to stay. Hence Dr.Ambedkar converted to Buddhism. It would not only be in case of Dr Ambedkar, every individual in the world who face such discrimination naturally will change his faith, his society, everything. History of world is like that only. Dr.Ambedkar had himself given the example of “Overthrow of peganism by Christianity in the Roman empire” (Babasaheb Ambedkar writings, Vol.17, part 2, Pp 103).

So one should not ask why Dr.Ambedkar converted better they ask why there is still untouchability in society.


#Conversion #Ambedkar #Untouchability #Deekshabhoomi #buddhism


  1. i am working as a pdo still today i saw many incidences in villages untouchability live in our society but who think upper cast they cannot think who gives them rights.


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